73D41416194E8A7C390936971FB2B74B Chira Sathi

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Animated Flying Twitter bird for Blogger.

"Twitter",is one of the most popular Social networking sites in the world among Bloggersto promote their blogs.There are a number of twitter widgets, scripts andplugins available to integrate Twitter with your blog.Most of the icons,buttons or badges are stationary or a fixed floating Twitter gadgets.Now here ihave a very cool unique Blogger Twitter widget, an actual Animated flyingTwitter Bird that flies around your blog.

ThisPlugin is java script based and it will display an animated Twitter bird thatsettles on different places of your blogs visible area. If a you scroll thepage, the bird will fly towards the visible part and settle in a new place andit takes random paths for each flight.When you place the cursor over theTwitter Bird "tweet this" and "follow me" linksappear,through this the visitor can tweet the article or follow you.
You have two option for flying bird:

  • Twitter bird Fly for all pages.
  • Twitter bird fly only for Home Page. 
 AddFlying Twitter Bird To Post Pages Only:
  •  Go to Your Blogger Dashboard Click > Design >Edit Html 
  • Find the following piece of code </body> and place the code below it.
<b:ifcond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script type="text/javascript"src="http://bloggerblogwidgets.googlecode.com/files/way2blogging.org-tripleflap.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
var twitterAccount = &quot;Your Twitter UserName Here!&quot;;
var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/>:<data:blog.url/> &quot;;
<span style="font-size:11px;position:absolute;"><a title='BloggerWidget by triml.blogspot.com' href=" http://triml.blogspot.com"target='_blank'><img border='0' src='http://img1.blogblog.com/img/blank.gif'/></a></span><ahref=" http://triml.blogspot.com" target="_blank">BestBlogger Gadgets</a>
 AddFlying Twitter Bird To all Pages:
  • Go to Your Blogger Dashboard Click > Design >Edit Html 
  • Find the following piece of code </body> and place the code below it.
<script type="text/javascript">
var twitterAccount = &quot;Your Twitter UserName Here!&quot;;
var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/>:<data:blog.url/> &quot;;
<span style="font-size:11px;position:absolute;"><a title='BloggerWidget by triml.blogspot.com' href=" http://triml.blogspot.com"target='_blank'><img border='0' src='http://img1.blogblog.com/img/blank.gif'/></a></span><ahref=" http://triml.blogspot.com" target="_blank">BestBlogger Gadgets</a>
Important Note:-

Replace Your Twitter User Name Here!with your twitter user name.You add just the username not the entire URL ofyour Twitter profile.

Shriya Saran

Shriya Saran
Shriya Saran is the prototypal New Age Indian actress, who is beautiful, ambitious and bold. She is one of the leading ladies of South Indian Cinema, and is a known name in North India, post-'Sivaji The Boss'.
We bring to you an assortment of some rare pics of this super siren.
Images: Bollywood Hungama, SantaBanta
Source: India Syndicate
Birthday Suite: Shriya Saran

Shriya was born on September 11, 1982 in Haridwar.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Top 3 Must Have Tools for Bloggers, Web-Developers & Web-Designers


Firebug is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox browser. Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. To make it more easier just point the mouse to any place in a webpage, Firebug will show you the code which is associated with it. You can then change the code and instantly see the effect. A great debugging and learning tool. 

Check out Firebug and its features @ http://getfirebug.com/whatisfirebug


Though its a websites it provides a tool to generate your own websites easily and effectively. W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors. This is the right place for you if you want to learn about HTML, CSS, Javascript, and  everything else related to web building.

Explore your web-building learning @ http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp

Syntax Highlighter

If you are a blogger, webdeveloper or a website owner and want to put source codes in your website,blog or webpages then this is a must have tools for you. You can install SyntaxHighlighter in your home page, blog, CMS, documentation CD or any other web page. It literally takes just a couple of minutes to get going and you will have beautifully highlighted code for all your users.

Learn More About Installing syntax highlighter for your pages,blogs and websites @ http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/
Best Blogger Gadgets