73D41416194E8A7C390936971FB2B74B Chira Sathi: September 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Create Bootable ISO for Windows Setup Using WBI Creator Portable Utility

After installing Windows Operating system on your Computer, You mostly keep the backup of the Windows disc in your hard drive for the future use. Later while creating another bootable windows disc with the same folder, it won’t work. The thing is, either you must know how to create a exact bootable disc or you are lost. WBI Creator is a free windows software that allows you to create bootable ISO image of Windows XP, Vista and 7 which can be burned using any disk burning software or using Windows 7 built-in Disk image burner tool. Since it is a portable application, you don’t need to install it, simply extract the zip file after downloading and open the exe file to run.
wbi creator
Select the OS type, assign any desired name of the ISO file, select the folder containing windows setup files, select the target older for the output ISO file and you are do. It will take only few time to create the bootable ISO image of Windows and it can be burned on disc using any CD/DVD burning software. You can alaso burn it to USB drive using ISO to USB windows freeware.
Download WBI Creator | via Askvg

Customize The Color Scheme Of Wordpress Mp3 Flash Player

wordpress mp3 player Wordpress Audio player is a beautiful mp3 player and thanks to Mindy McAdams we can now actually make it work in blogger and can even change the entire colour scheme of this mini player! I hope you already now how to make it work with blogger if not read this post –> Flash Mp3 Player 
Today I will let you know how to change the colour scheme of both versions of these useful mp3 players. Before we may begin check my customized player below,

This tutorial again consists of two parts,

  1. Adding the JavaScript Inside Blogger
  2. Adding The HTML Code For Mp3 Player To Appear
I have already explained both these parts in my previous post but this time we will work only on the second part i.e Adding The HTML Code For Mp3 Player To Appear
The HTML Code for our simple Mp3 Players looks like this,
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf id="audioplayer1" height="24" width="290">
<param name="movie" value=http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf>
<param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=1&amp;soundFile=URL of your MP3">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="menu" value="false">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

And The HTML Code For Our New Customized Mp3 Will look like this,
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf id="audioplayer1" height="24" width="290">
<param name="movie" value=http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf>
<param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer1&
soundFile=URL of your MP3">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="menu" value="false">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">

The Green part is the portion responsible for the color scheme. View the image below to understand each code,
rightbghover=0x999999&     and   righticonhover=0xffffff& refers to the color change on mouse hover. The red part in between the green text is the hexadecimal colour code. To change the colors according to your preferences use our colour chart


This is the most important part and I want your full concentration here. You can observe that the green part is the main portion consisting of 12 options to change the color scheme of the Mp3 player. Once you have finalized all your colors using our CSS Color Chart there is only one thing required to successfully dress up this player. You observe that the green portion of the code looks like this,
You need to align all this vertical code into a single line like this,
Now your code will look like this,
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data=http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf id="audioplayer1" height="24" width="290">
<param name="movie" value=http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf>
<param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer1&bg=0xf8f8f8&leftbg=0xeeeeee&lefticon=0x666666&rightbg=0xcccccc&rightbghover=0x999999&
soundFile=URL of your MP3">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<param name="menu" value="false">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
Make sure you replace URL of your MP3 with the link of your Mp3 file. For example the URL for my Mp3 file looks like this,

Some Players With Different Flavors

Masked Red

The code for this player is shared below,
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf" id="audioplayer1" height="24" width="290"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf"> <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer1&bg=0xffffff&leftbg=0xFF0000&lefticon=0xffffff&rightbg=0xFFCCCC&rightbghover=0xFF0000&righticon=0xffffff&righticonhover=0xffffff&text=0xFF0000&slider=0xffffff&track=0xFF0000&border=0xFF0000&loader=0xFF6666&loop=no&autostart=no&soundFile=URL Of Your Mp3"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>
Masked Purple
The code for this player is shared below,
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf" id="audioplayer1" height="24" width="290"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf"> <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer1&bg=0xffffff&leftbg=0x660033&lefticon=0xffffff&rightbg=0xC74988&rightbghover=0x660033&righticon=0xffffff&righticonhover=0xffffff&text=0x660033&slider=0xffffff&track=0x660033&border=0x660033&loader=0x660033&loop=no&autostart=no&soundFile=URL OF Your Mp3"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>

Masked Black

The code for this player is shared below,
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf" id="audioplayer1" height="24" width="290"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf"> <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer1&bg=0xffffff&leftbg=0x000000&lefticon=0xffffff&rightbg=0xcccccc&rightbghover=0x999999& righticon=0xffffff&righticonhover=0xffffff&text=0x000000&slider=0x666666&track=0x000000&border=0x000000&loader=0xffffff&loop=no&autostart=no&soundFile=URL OF Your Mp3"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>
And the code for the first Mp3 player used in this post as Green and Blue is shared below,
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf" id="audioplayer1" height="24" width="290"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf"> <param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=1&bg=0xffffff&lefticon=0xffffff&rightbg=0x0080ff&rightbghover=0x289728&righticon=0xffffff&leftbg=0x289728&righticonhover=0xffffff&text=0x0080ff&slider=0xffffff&track=0xffffff&border=0x289728&loader=0x0080ff&loop=no&autostart=no&soundFile=URL Of Your Mp3"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="menu" value="false"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>
I hope you like them. For Using more than one player as I have done read my previous post on Wordpress Mp3 Player
The players that you see above are the first version and if you want to use the second version then simply replace http://www.mdn.fm/files/87478_pfe4i/player1.swf with http://www.mdn.fm/files/87479_wv3lp/player.swf  A second version Player will look like this,
I hope you will like this post :>

Stylized Page Navigation Widget For Blogger|Blogspot blogs – MBT Church Theme Style!

Page-Navigation-Widget-for-Blogger As mentioned in the download page of MBT Church Theme that it has a Page Navigation Widget that is an alternative to Recent Posts, Home and Older Posts links at the bottom of blogger hosted blogs. In order to add the stylized version of Page Navigation Widget created by Mohammad Rias to your MBT Church Theme, follow the steps below,

Page Navigation Widget For Blogger Hosted Blogs

  1. Log into your blogger account and go to Layout > Page Elements
  2. Then Click on Add a Gadget
  3. Amongst the Blogger Featured Widgets Choose HTML/JavaScript Widget html-javascript blogger widget
  4. Inside the HTML/JavaScript Widget  paste the code below,
    <style type="text/CSS">
    .showpageArea a {
    .showpageNum a {
    border: 1px solid #7AA1C3;
    margin:0 3px;
    .showpageNum a:hover {
    border: 1px solid #7AA1C3;
    .showpagePoint {
    border: 1px solid #7AA1C3;
    background: #F6F6F6;
    margin:0 3px;
    .showpageOf {
    margin: 0 3px 0 0;
    .showpage a {
    border: 1px solid #7AA1C3;
    .showpage a:hover {
    .showpageNum a:link,.showpage a:link {
    <script type="text/JavaScript">
    function showpageCount(json) {
    var thisUrl = location.href;
    var htmlMap = new Array();
    var isFirstPage = thisUrl.substring(thisUrl.length-5,thisUrl.length)==".com/";
    var isLablePage = thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")!=-1;
    var isPage = thisUrl.indexOf("/search?updated")!=-1;
    var thisLable = isLablePage ? thisUrl.substr(thisUrl.indexOf("/search/label/")+14,thisUrl.length) : "";
    thisLable = thisLable.indexOf("?")!=-1 ? thisLable.substr(0,thisLable.indexOf("?")) : thisLable;
    var thisNum = 1;
    var postNum=1;
    var itemCount = 0;
    var fFlag = 0;
    var eFlag = 0;
    var html= '';
    var upPageHtml ='';
    var downPageHtml ='';
    var pageCount = 2;
    var displayPageNum = 5;
    var upPageWord = 'Previous';
    var downPageWord = 'Next';
    var labelHtml = '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="/search/label/'+thisLable+'?&max-results='+pageCount+'">';
    for(var i=0, post; post = json.feed.entry[i]; i++) {
    var timestamp = post.published.$t.substr(0,10);
    var title = post.title.$t;
    for(var c=0, post_category; post_category = post.category[c]; c++) {
    if(itemCount==0 || (itemCount % pageCount ==(pageCount-1))){
    if(thisUrl.indexOf(timestamp)!=-1 ){
    thisNum = postNum;
    htmlMap[htmlMap.length] = '/search/label/'+thisLable+'?updated-max='+timestamp+'T00%3A00%3A00%2B08%3A00&max-results='+pageCount;
    }//end if(post.category){
    if(itemCount==0 || (itemCount % pageCount ==(pageCount-1))){
    if(thisUrl.indexOf(timestamp)!=-1 ){
    thisNum = postNum;
    if(title!='') postNum++;
    htmlMap[htmlMap.length] = '/search?updated-max='+timestamp+'T00%3A00%3A00%2B08%3A00&max-results='+pageCount;
    for(var p =0;p< htmlMap.length;p++){
    if(p>=(thisNum-displayPageNum-1) && p<(thisNum+displayPageNum)){
    if(fFlag ==0 && p == thisNum-2){
    upPageHtml = labelHtml + upPageWord +'</a></span>';
    upPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"><a href="/">'+ upPageWord +'</a></span>';
    upPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ upPageWord +'</a></span>';
    html += '<span class="showpagePoint">'+thisNum+'</span>';
    html = labelHtml+'1</a></span>';
    html += '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="/">1</a></span>';
    html += '<span class="showpageNum"><a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ (p+1) +'</a></span>';
    if(eFlag ==0 && p == thisNum){
    downPageHtml = '<span class="showpage"> <a href="'+htmlMap[p]+'">'+ downPageWord +'</a></span>';
    }//end if(p>=(thisNum-displayPageNum-1) && p<(thisNum+displayPageNum)){
    }//end for(var p =0;p< htmlMap.length;p++){
    html = ''+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';
    html = ''+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';
    html = '<div class="showpageArea"><span style="COLOR: #000;" class="showpageOf"> Pages ('+(postNum-1)+')</span>'+html;
    html += downPageHtml;
    if(postNum==1) postNum++;
    html += '</div>';
    if(isPage || isFirstPage || isLablePage){
    var pageArea = document.getElementsByName("pageArea");
    var blogPager = document.getElementById("blog-pager");
    if(postNum <= 2){
    html ='';
    for(var p =0;p< pageArea.length;p++){
    pageArea[p].innerHTML = html;
    html ='';
    blogPager.innerHTML = html;
    <script src="/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&callback=showpageCount&max-results=99999" ; type="text/javascript"></script>
  5. If you are using a domain other than .blogspot.com or .com, then kindly change  the bolded red text .com with your domain extension. For Example if your domain ends with .info or .biz than replace .com with .info or .biz . But if you are a BlogSpot user than leave the code unchanged.
  6. Once you have pasted the code inside the widget, simply drag your HTML/Javascript widget to the area just below your posts and drop it there, as shown in the picture below,
Page-Navigation-Widget-For- blogspot blogs

That’s All!
Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if anything is unclear.

Remove Read More Link or Jump Break Link Provided by Blogger

DELETE-READ-MOREHalf an hour ago I published 10 ways of customizing Read More links. However some of you might be facing a problem in styling the read more link in official blogger Designer templates. In order to apply the style effects to such templates you will first need to delete the read more link provided by blogger and install a custom read more link or button in less then 3 minutes.

Delete Jump Break Link In Blogger

  1. Go to Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Click the "Expand widget Templates" Box
  4. Search for this,
    5.   and just below it find and delete this code,
<b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'>
<div class='jump-link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url + "#more"'><data:post.jumpText/></a>
</b:if >
     6.   Save your template and you are done

Add a Custom Read More Link

Now to add a custom read more link which can be fully customized in various looks please follow this tutorial,
Now after having added the link, it would be even more interesting by changing its look by reading this tutorial,

Learn How To Show Post Summary using The “Read More Link” or “Continue Reading link”

Totally Exceptional!! A good blogger can be identified by the way he manages his blog and organizes his posts. The homepage is the most important part of every blog. The homepage must contain up to 5-6 posts in order to seize the attraction of reader as much as possible. Keeping a reader busy for a longer time is what I call a blogging success. Showing 5-6 posts is load-time and user friendly only if you show a summary of each post. On my homepage you must have seen a Read More Link, clicking which expands the entire post. Look at a screen shot Below,
This link just adds beauty to your blog along with some pro spice to it. So lets learn how to summarize your posts and give them the expandable functionality.
The steps that must be followed for planting this TNT are,
  • Go to layout > Edit HTML

Now The Most Important Step –> Back Up Your Template
By backing up your template I mean that you must save a copy of your current template in your computer hard drive. If in case something goes wrong, you can restore your template and have everything working as normal as before.
To backup your template click on the link saying Download Full Template , as shown below
If suppose something goes wrong , you will simply click the Browse button, locate your saved template and then simply click the Upload button to restore your template back to normal.
  • Click on "Expand Widget Templates" at the top right hand corner of your Edit HTML page
  • Now find this code ]]></b:skin> 
Tip: Pressing Ctrl + F  and then paste this code into the search box, as shown below,
The search box is an easy way of finding codes in your template.
  • Just after ]]></b:skin> copy paste the code below,
Tip: Highlight the code below and then press Ctrl + c to copy the entire code and then press Ctrl + v to paste the code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
span.fullpost {display:inline;}
span.fullpost {display:none;}

  • Now find this code  <data:post.body/>
And just after <data:post.body/> add the code below,
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>
<div style="text-align: right;">Read More ->></div></a>

You can replace the text in red with anything you like, e.g: Continue Reading, Keep Reading
If you want to shift the "Read More->>" text to the extreme-left side, use this code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>
<div style="text-align: left;">Read More ->></div></a>

  • Save your template and you are Done!

Read Further to know How to Apply this TNT in your Posts
Now whenever you want to write a post in windows Live Writer, follow the procedure below,
  • Once you had finished writing your post, as shown below,
  • Just after completing your post click on the source button at the bottom of your windows live writer page,
You will see something like this,
 source code for your post
  • Now use the code below to hide the portion of your post that you don’t want to be shown on your homepage
<span class="fullpost">
Now suppose if you want to show the post only till the lines
I have explained everything in these images so read carefully!
So you will add the codes as shown below,
the highlighted source code refers to the hidden text
You can see in the image above that I have added <span class="fullpost"> just above the part of the post I wanted to hide. The text that I want to hide is the one below,
“Please use windows live writer only for writing quality posts. This TNT of Read More link works best with windows Live writer. Blogger Editor is simply annoying and this trick simply just don’t work efficiently with it. If you still want to use blogger editor rather than windows live writer than frustration is what you will encounter! “
I added </span> to the part where the entire post completes or source code ends

In short add <span class="fullpost"> just before the text to be hidden and add </span> just after it
That’s All!
You can use some of the Images below instead of that Read More –>> text
 read-more with a black outline simple readmore text image read-more with a blue drop shadow read more text with black drop shadowread-more black and orange
To add an image instead of text simply replace Read More ->> in the code above with this,
<img border="0" alt="read more" src="URL Of Your Image"/>
Replace URL Of Your Image with your image link.
I have created some high quality Read More Buttons, may be you will like them more. Visit these links,
If you want to learn how to add  these images instead of that Read More->> text, then let me know so that I could write a new post on that. And believe me adding an image instead of a text is extremely easy.

Create a Floating Feedback and Back-To-Top Button For Your Blogs

feedback and back to top button Asking your visitors to leave you suggestions or feedbacks can be pretty easy only if you provide them with an easy access to your feedback page. Readers are often lazy and getting them to leave a feedback is often tough. However you can let them comment willingly if you add a floating feedback button to your blog, that floats as a reader scrolls down or up. This floating button can be made more user friendly and eye-catching if you add a roll over effect to it. Hover your mouse over my feedback button at the bottom-left corner of this page and observe how the button magnifies when you hover your cursor over it. Liked it? Lets now learn the TNT of adding a Feedback Button to your blogs, along with a Floating Back-To-Top Button, which I will discuss later.
For a feedback button you will need two images, one small (30 by 145 pixels) and one large (35 by 170 pixels) You can also use my feedback button if you wish,
Small Image : small-feedback-button                               Large Image :  large-feedback-button
You will then need to upload these images to an image hosting web service like Photobucket or other services like Google sites and sigmirror
Get URLs for both these images and then follow the steps below

  • Sign in your blogger account
  • Go To Layout > Page Elements
  • Click on add a Gadget

  • Click on HTML/JavaScript

  • Now Copy paste the code below into the HTML/JavaScript widget,
<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;left:0px;" href="URL Of Feedback Page" title="Your Feedback is always welcomed!"><img onmouseover="this.src='URL of your Larger Feedback button'" src="URL Of Your Smaller Feedback button" onmouseout="this.src='URL Of Your Smaller Feedback button'"/></a>

Note:- Remember to replace the Colored text with the required detailed specified. You can change the text “ Your Feedback is always welcomed! “ with any message you like. You must have a Contact page, where users could fill up an Email form to send you their Suggestions. See my feed back page to get an idea, Click here!
  • Finally save your widget and view your blog with a floating Feedback button at the bottom-left corner of your homepage.
Add a Floating Back–To-Top button to your blog
If your blog’s homepage is really long or if you write lengthy posts then you must add a Back-To-Top button to your blog, by clicking which, users blog will be taken straight to the top (Header) of your blog. You can see my floating back-to-top button at the bottom-right corner of this page.
To add this button to your blog you will again need two identical images, one small and one large. May be you would like some of these buttons,
 back to top -large back-to-top-small-1                  hodge_podge-hodge_podge_icons-hodge_podge-left_arrow.ico-48x48  hodge_podge-hodge_podge_icons-hodge_podge-left_arrow.ico-32x32                 Up1Blue Up1Blue
Now lets learn on how to plant the TNT of adding a floating back-to-top button to your blog.
Follow the same steps as you did for adding the floating Feedback Button. Just paste the code below In your HTML/JavaScript widget,
<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img onmouseover="this.src='URL Of Your Larger Button Image'" src="URL Of Your Smaller Button Image" onmouseout="this.src='URL Of Your Smaller Button Image'"/></a>
Note:- Remember to replace the required detail with specific URLs of your Back-to-top buttons
Just save your widget and view your blog with a floating Back-To-Top button at the bottom-right corner of your homepage.
That’s All!

Free High Quality Flash Clocks For Your Blogs

125 by 125 Ad Banner Widget For Blogger/Blogspot Blogs.


Early this morning I tried to create some tables using simple HTML. Remarkably I arrived at a really easy and well optimized code that could be used to show your 125 by 125 Ad banners just like the one on my sidebar. This widget is named “125 by 125 Ad Banner Widget
See an example below,

 125 by 125 Ad Banners Widget  (1)
Here is the code to be pasted in your HTML/JavaScript Widget,
<div align="center">
<table border="0"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<table border="0" bordercolor="#0084ce" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265" bgcolor="#ffffff">
       <td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img width="265" height="37" border="0" alt="Advertise Now!" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" /></a></center></td>


Now make the following changes,
1.  Replace URL OF ADVERTISER with the website link of the advertiser
2.  Replace URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE with the Image link of the Advertiser’s banner
3.  Replace AD DESCRIPTION with some information related to the Ad. The description appears when some hovers his mouse cursor over the banner.
4.  If you want to increase the distance between the ad blocks then adjust width="265" . By default 265 is the minimum width of this banner widget. You can’t further decrease the width.

  • If you want to increase the number of rows of this ad widget and want to add two other Ad blocks i.e 6 ad blocks. Then simply copy paste the code below just above </tbody></table>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>

  • If you want to have a more fancy Ad widget like the one below,
125 by 125 Ad Banners Widget  (2)
BEST--- 2
3 4
then copy and paste the code below in your HTML/Javascript Widget
<div align="center">
<table border="0"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" alt="AD DESCRIPTION" width="125" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" height="125"/></a></center></td>
<table border="0" bordercolor="#0084ce" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="265" bgcolor="#ffffff">
       <td><center><a href="URL OF ADVERTISER" rel="nofollow"><img width="265" height="37" border="0" alt="Advertise Now!" src="URL OF BANNER’S IMAGE" /></a></center></td>


Follow the same steps as instructed above to customize this new code.
If you are searching for some Ad Banner Images than may be you will like the Animated 125 by 125 AD Banners
I hope you will surely like this widget. The internet is full of tutorials for such a widget but most of them use complex CSS and ask you to edit your blogger template but this one is using simple HTML and is a copy-paste widget code. Kindly let us know how you find it.

Most Viewed Posts Widget With Thumbnails by Blogger

imageBlogger recently introduced there Most Viewed Widget which is also called Popular Posts widget. This gadget displays the posts which has the maximum number of pageviews in three ways i.e. All time, monthly or weekly. It is a great tool to engage your readers more and increase your page views. It will also help you know which of your posts leads the row.
Live Demo

Add The Popular Posts Widget To Your Blogs

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Page Elements
  2. Click "Add a Gadget"
  3. Choose the Popular Posts Widget
popular posts
    4.  Set your settings in this way,
  5.   Save your widget and you are done!
May be you will like these widgets too:

For thumbnails to appear make sure you always add an intro image of 100px by 100px at least in your post starting paragraph. The square size will give a more clearer picture. You can make the image as big as 300px by 300px.

Feedburner Recent Comments Widget For Blogger

 Feedburner Recent Comments WidgetJust few months back I wrote a post on how to add a Recent Posts Widget by Feedburner to your Blogger and Typad blogs and today we will learn a similar tutorial based on a really attractive and fast loading Recent Comments widget offered by Feedburner. This widget is really fast loading in a sense that it is well scripted and the JavaScript it uses is stored on feedburner’s server so there will be no load time delay on your blog. You have seen this widget hanging on my sidebar inside the multi-tab widget. So lets learn how to add it to blogger.
To add the Recent comments Widget By Feedburner to your blogs follow these steps,

Burn Your Comment Feed At Feedburner

1.  Login To Your Feedburner Account. Incase if you don’t have one simply sign up for a free account.
2.  Insert your Comment Feed URL inside the Feedburner box. The URL for Blogger Blogs will be like this,
Replace YOUR-BLOG-NAME with your blog’s good name.Burn-your-feed-box
3.  Press the Next Button and you will be brought to a new page. Simply insert an easy memorable Feed title and feed address. I prefer both to be the same.

4.  Press Next and then fill the two options on the new page as shown below,

5.  Finally press the Next button again and you have successfully burnt your comment feed!
  • Now click the publicize button just at the top
  • On the left sidebar click BuzzBoost
  • Hit The Activate button on the right pane
  • Then fill in the options as shown below,
Its advisable to leave all boxes unchecked.
  • Finally click the save button and get your HTML code which will be just at the top of the page as shown below,
  • Done!
Adopt a similar procedure for Typad

How to Add the Recent Comments Widget To Blogger

Now once you have copied the code for your recent comments widget then simply follow the steps below,
  1. Log into Blogger
  2. Go To Layout
  3. Click Add a Gadget or Add a Page element
  4. Choose HTML/JavaScript Widget
  5. Now paste the Feedburner code inside this widget and hit save
  6. Done!
Finally Preview your template to see it hanging on your sidebar :>
Best Blogger Gadgets